بيردبيريز شمع اللحية والشارب لون بني 100 مل شمع ملون لتغطية أو إخفاء العلامات الأولى للشعر الرمادي. عقد متوسط. يستمر حتى غسل الشعر.
Features: Definition of the hairstyle.Easy to mold.Semi-matte finish.Provide volume to the hairstyle.Hairstyles with a very natural finish and casual style.TECHNICAL SPECSFixation 3/5Shine 2/5
Take a small amount of wax with your fingers.
Apply with your fingers on the dry hair in the area you wish to cover,defining the hairstyle as you apply the wax to the hair. The coverage will depend on the amount of product applied, the greater the quantity, the more will cover the gray hair.
Avoid moistening the area in which you have applied it throughout the day since in contact with the water, the wax is removed.
Please, be careful, because color wax can stain your clothes. PLEASE, BE SURE THAT THE WAX IS DRIED BEFORE TOUCH ANY CLOTHES.
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