تالغو أمبولات الترطيب المركزة و المهدئه للبشرة الحساسة والجافة 7* 1.2ملأمبولات التهدئة للبشرة الحساسة والمتهيجة أو المصابة بحروق الشمس , تناسب البشرات شديدة الجفاف أو تلك التي تتأثر بالعوامل الخارجية مثل البرد والحرارة والرياح , يقلل الأحمرار بنسبة 40%, عناية لمدة 7 أيام متتالية , مجرب طبيا
Thalgo Multi-Soothing Concentrate is a 7-day treatment for soothing reactive or sensitive skin and relieving any discomfort. This aqueous superfine lotion effectively reduces redness by 40%. Sweet and comforting scent, allergen free. The Cold Cream Marine Multi-Soothing Concentrate is a 7-day care concentrate in ampoules. It effectively soothes the reactive and sensitive skin and relieves the unpleasant feelings of burning and straining. These suffer from sensitive skin when dealing with external aggressions such as cold, hot, dry air, soiling, etc. These reactions are even more noticeable in dry to very dry skin that suffers from lipid deficiency. It is not so able to keep a barrier of hydration. The highly effective Cold Cream Marine Cosmetic Care helps the most dry and sensitive skin. The effectiveness of this marine neurocosmetic care has been dermatologically proven: redness reduction of 40% *. It has a consistency of very fine water and a sweet, soothing scent. It is hypoallergenic.
Apply a half-dose every morning and evening over the face and neck for 7 days (1 vial = 2 applications)
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