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قوريت ماسك فقاعات البيض

غير متوفر بالمخزن
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تفاصيل نصيحة الخبير طريقة الاستعمال
ماسك فقاعات البيض التي تزيل الشوائب من على البشرة
Features: Quret Egg Bubble Smile Mask cleanses your skin using an air-activated meringue bubble complex and replenishes key collagen-producing nutrients.This smile mask will make your skin feel tighter & brighter, and reduce winkles and blemishes. KEY INGREDIENTSEgg complex, Amino acids
1) After washing your face take out the sheet and apply evenly to your face and around the eyes. You should notice a light bubbly sensation.2) After 5-10 minutes, remove the sheet after the meringue bubbles have finished activating. 3) Gently massage any remaining bubbles on your skin & then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
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